Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Mercer County Public Library

We are delighted to feature Mercer County Public Library in Harrodsburg, KY as our July Installation of the Month. The library's beautiful interior designed by KPC Architectural Products.

Products highlighted:
Children's Circulation Desk
Computer Stations
Modified Twain Tables
Custom Side Chairs
Modified American Classics Lounge Chairs
End Panels
Book Display

Monday, July 18, 2011

Study like a Scholar, Scholar


"Did you know that eight of five dentists say studying in the library is a bajillion times better than studying in your shower?" Fantastic spoof on the Old Spice commercials by Harold B. Lee Library. This is really great!!!

Monday, July 11, 2011

"Digital schmigital"

Picture from
A library with one main attraction - BOOKS! Featured in Kanazawa Umimirai Library in Kanazawa City, Japan is a beautiful modern and minimalistic library featuring real live books. In the age of digital and electronic books, this library has gone the opposite direction - creating a space where patrons embrace and enjoy reading while being surrounded physical paper books! What a novel idea. Read more...

Friday, July 1, 2011

ALA Summer Conference

Worden exhibited at the ALA Summer Conference in New Orleans. We had a great time, met some great people and are looking forward to the next show in Texas this winter.

Featured items this year:
Stance computer station (custom)
Swing chairs