Wednesday, August 31, 2011

81st Ave Branch Library, Oakland, CA

Worden worked with 81st Ave Branch Library and Group 4 Architecture to create a custom cafe that contains a mobile island that fits perfectly within the cabinetry for storage, and doors that close off the area when the cafe is not in use. 
        Transitional Cafe

Beyond the cafe, Worden manufactured a self check-out unit with a custom 3-Form computer information station on the end panel. Rounding out the library’s beautiful furnishings are a custom reference desk, Folio computer stations, end panels, and a custom mobile reference station. We were delighted to be a part of this beautifully designed custom library!
      81st Ave Branch Library

Thursday, August 11, 2011

It Started with a Sketch

Dan Smith from KPC Architectural Products began working with McCracken County Public Library in Paducah, KY on a new children's circulation desk. The library was looking for a thematic idea for the area that included nature. Dan presented this opportunity to Worden and Jim Brown (our engineer) went to work. After a little thought and research Jim sketched up a whimsical, multi-colored river and tree themed desk - since Paducah is located on the Ohio River it was the perfect solution and development of the desk went from there. See the progression of this project from sketch to completion. We are certain the children of McCracken County will enjoy this desk for many years to come.