Thursday, May 12, 2011

Future of Libraries - Goodbye Reading Room, Hello Workshop?

The question of what will libraries become in the 21st Century? Make magazine has a great blog post by Phillip Torrone suggesting some ideas. Is It Time to Rebuild & Retool Public Libraries and Make “TechShops”?

An article that encourages thought - what could be come of the public library? What do we want it to become if people no longer need the actual structure for book lending, research, etc.

"Will they become hackerspaces, TechShops, tool-lending libraries, and Fab Labs, or have these new, almost-public spaces displaced a new role for libraries? For many of us, books themselves are tools. In the sense that books are tools of knowledge, the library is a repository for tools, so will we add “real tools” for the 21st century?"

Certainly sparks conversation. Your thoughts?

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